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Greetings humans, dogs, cats and possibly aliens (and Fermi back from the dead),


We have been often faced the question of who we are and we finally have an answer.


‘The Physics Society is a student-led society at NPS International School whose primary purpose is to foster understanding about scientific phenomena in anyone and everyone interested.’


However, this is also an answer that perhaps a search engine will give in the future. At the end of the day, we are students who have often looked at the cosmos and wondered what truly is out there for us. We are students who take joy and humility from being part of something bigger, something bigger than the Physics Society, our school, our world: the universe. As Neil DeGrasse Tyson said, we don’t live in the universe. The universe lives within us. Physics is the language that we use to understand the universe. And in the quest for a deeper understanding, a peak into the secrets of the universe, a simple satiation of curiosity and an adherement to the scientific spirit of curiosity and adventure, we thus begin the club. So who really are we in the grand scale of the universe? We really don’t know but we hope to answer it in due time.

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